Nicolai Levashov tells about striking phenomena which continue to happen owing to the influence of the dark matter generator which
he installed 5 years ago in his estate in France. New amazing facts and 28 splendid photographs are available.
By the end of my last article "The Source
of Life-9" I had covered everything occurring in our French domain under the influence of the "psi-field" or "dark matter" generator
up until May 2010 when I stopped highlighting. Such a long break in the coverage was due to the fact that in May my main concern was
military actions against parasites which had just gone mad and started attacking us; Svetlana particularly strongly, and almost continuously
in all possible ways and at all levels. After one of the blows to the brain Svetlana had lain in bed for over a month, during which time I
restored her memory, which they had aimed to destroy but failed. Svetlana, only slightly recovered from the blow, began working on chapters
of her book and preparing her new books for which she gathered the vast amount of material.
Her first book and the future, almost ready, ones were more dangerous than nuclear weapons for the parasites. She only had had to
arrange and write down everything, and new chapters of her autobiography and the first chapters of her new books would have been ready.
She hurried very much to do that job and, having not fully regained her strength after such a blow, did not spare herself. The parasites had
not stopped trying, but on the contrary, seeing that one of the blows had almost reached their goal, stepped up their attacks. Svetlana
nevertheless found time between all of these in order to take photos for the next article from the series "The Source of Life". So, nothing disappeared, as probably the spiteful critics and trolls of all stripes would have
expected. On the contrary, this time there were many new and unexpected, even for us, things, although it would seem that we should get used
to them for the simple reason that they came out of the effect produced by the psi-field generator which had been designed, created and put into
practice by me.
So, I stopped highlighting, unlike the "marvels" which continued to happen... 125 illustrations
Nicolai Levashov, Scientist and Physics Theorist, has created a fundamentally new theory of the Universe that provides
answers to numerous questions which modern science has considered insoluble. Based on the postulate of the anisotropy
(non-uniformity) of the Universe, he explains the requisite conditions for living matter to appear, the natural laws that lead to the
inevitable origin of reasoning life and later, consciousness, which appears, also inevitably, when certain conditions are met.
Levashov’s views have nothing to do with Vulgarmaterialismus (Germ.), a mechanistic materialism. He strongly believes the main
question of philosophy is absurd and that spirit and matter is essentially one thing. He estimates human abilities as boundless and
has no doubt whatsoever that thought can influence physically dense matter: it is, in fact, able to do things which the boldest fiction
writers could not even dare to imagine.
Levashov calls himself an atheist. He adheres to the opinion that our Mankind is not the creation of a god; likewise, not a
unique creation of nature, because it is surrounded by other reasoning civilizations. Man’s main objective is to overcome the
reasoning animal level on which the overwhelming majority of people can be found and, moving forward from one evolutional
stage to another, emerge at the level of creator.
Nicolai Levashov was born in Kislovodsk in 1961. He graduated from Kharkov University, with a Master’s degree in theoretical
physics. He has lived and worked in the USA for more than 15 years. There he created his scientific school where he carried out
seminars and engaged in teaching students. He is an author of several fundamental scientific works, namely, The Final Appeal
to Mankind, Anisotropic Universe and Spirit and Mind all widely recognized by foreign Mainstream Scientists
and Allied Professionals.
Nicolai Levashov’s interview for the newspaper The President
The infernal heat, fires and smog of summer 2010 in Russia were more like that of a huge crematorium gas chamber than
a unique natural disaster when the temperature broke all records. How can the apocalyptic summer weather of 2010 be
A bit of history
In 1977 the UN adopted the convention on the prohibition of "environmental warfare" using means which would impact
on the environment, and artificial stimulation to effect climate change. The USSR and USA also concluded an agreement to
cease development in this area but they nonetheless continued under the guise of scientific research.
Recently declassified documents show that even in the seventies the USA and USSR entered into an unprecedented
climate control arms race. Documents of the National Archives of the British government show that in the seventies both
superpowers seriously suspected each other of preparing for "climate war" and both had secret military programs to control
the global climate. Weather forecasting became an integral part of the secret services according to Leo Carlin, the Rector of
the Hydro-meteorological University. So, economic droughts and political floods may well become part of the weather forecasts
in the 21st century. The climate becomes an economic and national security field and "climate weapons" the most guarded
state secret...
Nicolai Levashov’s interview for the newspaper The President
...I did give facts which spoke for themselves. Everything concerned with global warming is a cover in order to use the
climate weapon, and not only that. Remember, it was the beginning of August when we spoke last time. – In the first ten-day
period. – And what did climatologists say then? They said that the heat would go on. But I said that the heat would
and never come back. We also discussed that when the anticyclone began to move, the moisture from the Atlantic cyclone
which went toward Russia was forcedly "unloaded" over Europe. Heavy precipitation flooded Germany, Poland and other
European countries. Then I said: "Don’t worry, another cyclone will come from North and bring moisture to Russia." Do you
remember? And what happened? – Everything happened like you said. – So, who knows better what will happen, the
climatologists? But none of their long-term predictions came true! They just say what they are told to say. Naturally, the
cyclone from North did not come to Russia accidentally. It should not have come at all at this time of year... Certainly, some
fires were of natural origin, but most of them were the result of arson witnessed by many people. People saw fire-raisers
throwing tyres or huge rubber things soaked in petrol into the woods or setting fire to dead-wood. People also saw how
they came on their motorbikes, threw burning things and quickly rode away. There were many such cases. Not to mention
the American unmanned space vehicle Õ-37Â which set fire to large forestlands at night...
«...Nicolai was, and still is, a White Hierarch who volunteered to incarnate in a human body, for the first time, without
keeping any memory of his previous state. I think we can assume therefore that he wanted to understand exactly what
it was like to be human and limited by the restrictions put upon us by various agencies, particularly the parasitic Dark
Side that have their own agenda regarding our planet. For all of his regrettably short time here he has worked tirelessly
for our benefit and has changed our perceptions of the structure of the universe and our place in it forever.
We are now responsible for the future of our Earth but need to gather all the information we can. The books and articles that both
Nicolai and Svetlana Levashov have left us have much that we can learn from. The Russians may well be the vanguard leading the way,
as they already have a head start in the form of an Association called
«Renaissance. the Golden Age», initiated by Nicolai, but only if they continue to heed all he has taught. He may not be here in
his familiar physical body, but the world can rest assured that his real self, his essence, most certainly is and that he and Svetlana are
still fighting for our planet and us...»
«...Russian citizen and patriot, scientist and writer Nicolai Levashov has made an outstanding contribution to further evolving of our
understanding of the universe and developed an absolutely new scientific approach. As Copernicus in his time, 500 hundred years
ago, "turned astronomical science upside down" (according to Luther), rejecting Ptolemy's postulate that the Earth is the centre of the
universe, Nicolai Levashov has dramatically changed our idea of the structure of the universe and man’s place in it.
As Galileo Galilei, using a telescope for astronomical observations, discovered that the Aristotelian picture of the universe was incomplete
and flawed; Nicolai Levashov has proved that the theory that postulates the isotropy (i.e., uniformity or homogeneity) of the universe and the
constancy of the speed of light, which is the foundation of Einstein’s relativity theories (special and general) is in error, leading the development
of human civilization down the wrong track which eventually ends in environmental disaster and death.
Nicolai Levashov’s theory consistently explains
almost all things of both animate and inanimate nature. His theory of the anisotropy of the universe has been confirmed by the
experiments of American physicist Dayton Miller, the data obtained from the Hubble telescope and many other studies...»
«...On February, 8 2013 Nicolai Levashov would have celebrated his fifty-second birthday but he was prevented from living to
see this day. On June 11th 2012 Nicolai Levashov fell in the fight against Evil. He was killed when his Truth began to be accessible
to millions, when his deeds in protecting our planet, at last, became more or less known to ordinary people, not just the narrow
circles of both Light and Dark Forces. The latter had been trying to kill him for many years, which did not turn out to be a simple
task. Regrettably the enemies of Mankind succeeded in finding the way to do that when his activity, concentrating on enlightening
by knowledge and the awakening of masses of Earthmen became noticeable and began to bring forth its first fruits...
He will live in our hearts as an example, one of the greatest warriors, who gave his knowledge and life to the cause of fighting
parasitism on Earth and in Space. We shall remember him always: at all times and in all our incarnations. We shall learn from him.
We shall teach our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren his knowledge. We shall follow his example: be as kind, clever
and penetrating as he was – Nicolai Levashov...»